Develop A Winning Mindset For a Better 2025!

Reset Your Mindset with My Mindset Strategies

Identify, Eliminate, and Replace

the Beliefs That Sabotage Your Life!

Discover How to Identify, Eliminate and Replace

Any Beliefs That May Be Sabotaging Your Life!

What you believe impacts you more than you may realize. I've cracked the code on how to use your thoughts to change your life.

This isn't "just: affirmations but a research-proven, easy-to-learn

"Mindset Reset Accelerator System"

for quickly shifting how you are reacting in any situation so that you can identify and do exactly what is needed to achieve your goals. As a Mindset Master, you become more confident and more successful at getting the life and love you want more quickly than ever before.

for quickly shifting how you are reacting in any situation so that you can identify and do exactly what is needed to achieve your goals. As a Mindset Master, you become more confident and more successful at getting the life and love you want more quickly than ever before.

You're Invited! Get the Spiritual Principles Behind My Coaching Strategies!

Learning the Coaching Strategies AND the Spiritual Principles Behind Them Will Accelerate Your Progress Towards Your Dreams

Our Thoughts, Our Emotions, and Our Relationship with God All Play a Part in Becoming Our Best Self and Creating a Life We Love

As a Life Coach, I offer my life-changing Mindset strategies in various contexts. In my workshops and webinars plus videos, downloads, and my email newsletter, I give you proven and powerful life coaching strategies to accelerate your mindset shift.

And, as a Pastor, if you're open to it, once you sign up here you'll also have access to my sermon series where I lay out the spiritual principles behind the coaching strategies I teach. Take whatever helps you!

What You Believe Is What You Live

Decades of research has shown that people who are successful in multiple areas of life all have a common set of beliefs. Their success is DRIVEN by these beliefs.

Now is your chance to "download" these beliefs for yourself and experience a breakthrough in many areas of your life.

Decades of research have shown that people who are successful in multiple areas of life all have a common set of beliefs. Their success is DRIVEN by these beliefs.

When You Become a Master of Your Mindset...

When You Become a
Master of Your Mindset...

Here's What Will Change For You:

How You May Be Feeling Now:

  • Constant self-doubts make you hesitate and procrastinate, avoiding opportunities.

  • Unsure what is really going on with you and what to do to make things better.

  • Struggling relationships because your emotions run too much of your life.

  • Going around in circles, stuck in old ways of thinking and acting, trapped in the past.

  • Feel alone and unsupported.

How You'll Feel After This Training:

  • Unshakeable but realistic self-confidence makes you live boldly and decisively.

  • Have a clear self-awareness, knowing exactly what is going on with you and what to do.

  • Feel poised and focused, able to move your relationships to a much better place.

  • Able to tap into your Best Self, bringing your "A Game" to every situation.

  • Have a strong support network.

I'm a Pastor, a Life Coach, an Entrepreneur, and a Success Strategist, and I can help you change your story

Our Mindset -- what you think about yourself and others -- is SO important to our emotional wellbeing and our ability to be successful in life.

I should know. At my lowest point in my life I couldn't shake some thoughts that were undermining me. I was deeply dissatisfied and felt I was not on track.

But those thoughts were lies in my brain that almost took me out. But I began a journey to self-discovery and a changed way of thinking with the help of counselors and coaches and good friends.

And now I'd like to show you how you, too, can change whatever mindsets you are struggling with. Mindsets that are sabotaging you in key areas of your life. Join me!

Dr. Von Merritt

Sign Up Today For...

Mindset Reset: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself Affirmations, Coaching Strategies, Sermon Series, Training & Live Webinars

Identify Them. Eliminate Them. Replace Them.

I confirm that I want to receive content from this company using any contact information I provide, including text messages with my Mindset Reset affirmations 2-4 times a week for 90 days.

After that, we will send only an occasional text message, don't worry! And we never sell or rent your contact info, ever.

Get started today!

Your breakthrough may just be a new thought away. Join me!

Download the guide. Watch the training.

Join my live webinar. Change your life.

Meet your coach!

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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or META Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by META/Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are the results some others have achieved with these strategies. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. This program is educational in nature and not designed to diagnose or treat any psychological or mental health condition.

© 2024 Reach the City